Direktlänk till inlägg 21 mars 2013

Gatecrash Limited and fast formats in general

Av Simon Davidsson - 21 mars 2013 16:48

Gatecrash Limited is a fast format. There is no denying that. If yore not affecting the board in the first 4 turns you are usually losing. That means you have to make sure you get enough of these early drops during the drafting portions. However i have seen so many players go overboard with this strategy and even taking Gutter Skulk over Sepulchral Primordial. I think this is wrong for some number of reasons.

1) It is still possible to play control in this format. You do have to get a lot of tools to interact in the early game. Devour Flesh, executioners swing, gutter skulk*, corpse blockade etc. However, there is no point playing a controldeck if you cant reap the rewrads for doing so. How does a controldeck win? It wins by answering the oppoent deck 1-for-1 and then either draw multiple cards, get 2-for1 or drop a finisher. See if youre only answering your opponents threats 1-by-1 and don't have a way to go over the top, youre just playing a bad aggrodeck and youre going to get overwhelmed by your opponent at last.

Ex: I played Izzet aggro against an opposing Izzetdeck in RTR-limited. We both had ways to remove the others threat but he had 2 Thoughtflare which pulled him ahead. I managed to wina very close game 1 by just being a little bit too fast for him. In game 2 i had a much slower start, but still an acceptable hand. He answered my threats and i was down to my last threat a Cobblebrute. It actually went the whole way and won the game. It turned out he had boarded out the 2 Thoughtflare just because he thought they were too slow for this matchup. But by doing so he had no way to pull ahead of me and ran out of answetrs eventually.

2: Early ways to interact is important, but they are much harder to get by than resilient threats. One of my favourite archetypes in this format is Esper control. I try to answer my opponents early rush and then drop a threat like the black primordial.

Urban evolution constantly wheels and i think the card is very underrated.

the way to play urban evolution is not play it in a durdly 5colordeck. you are going to get overrun. I like to play it in my semiaggressive Simicdecks or splash it in my Gruuldecks. If you play alot of early threats you are sometimes going to run into a brickwall. Having a way to refill you hand and dig for some bomb or evasiondude is Priceless at that point. I like to play it like i played thoughtflare in RTR, flood the board with dudes and threats and when my opponent have stabilized, i just refill my hand.

Shadow Slice is also very underrated. This card is just busted and can win games on its own. Even if youre only getting one hit in, its 6 damage for 5 mana, and that is not even counting the fact that you might have extorttriggers. See the reason people play Hands of binding is the fact that they rely on the creature getting through. Otherwise the card is just a bad Crippling chill. So if hands of binding is playable this card is even more so. It is slower but on turn 5 most of the opponents removal should be deleted, on the flipside.

So to summarize, this is 3 of my favourite archetypes in Gtc-limited:

1) Esper control with lots of early ways to interact and 2-3 bombs. (Primordials, mythics, mind grind etc)

2) Simic decks with Urban evolution and 1-2 expensive overthetop-dude (Blue Primordial, Sapphire drake) etc

3) Gruul decks splashing Urban Evolution or something similiar (Fathom mage etc) and 1-2 overthetop-dude (Rubblehulk, Gruul ragebeast, borborgymos)

Try it nex time, you might be pleasantly surprised!

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21 mars 2013 19:03

Jag brukar sky svart som pesten i detta formatet, samtidigt som jag hyllar rött. Ettdrops som hugger 2-3 gånger för att sedan få en madcap skills är inte att leka med.

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25 mars 2013 19:47

Jag hade också den strategien i början, men jag börjat ogilla hur stor varians det är på den röda och den vita denizen, de pendlar mellan att vara göttiga till att vara mon's goblin raiders och grey ogre.

Med det sagt håller jag med dig totalt angående madcap skills. Blir alltid perplex i draftvideor och streamer där folk säger "Där är en madcap skills, vilker ät ett kraftfullt kort, men jag vill nog hellre ha en dude" Kortet är lätt firstpickbart och det är sällan jag passar den om jag är röd.

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26 mars 2013 15:30

Antar att jag bör utveckla lite hur jag ser på formatet. Jag brukar egentligen försöka spela gruul, boros är alldeles för svängigt. Gruul däremot belönar enchantments ritkigt mycket, man spelar alltid många gubbar som dessutom dubblar som combattrick. Sick juh ;)

Madcap skills är lite svårt, jag tenderar att plocka den så fort jag ser den och det inte finns något helt sjukt i packet. Igår fick jag spela den på en armored transport, den var inte helt kul att blocka.

Men nog om rödaggro, mitt problem i formatet är att när jag väl tvingas bort från rött så tenderar det att bli simic. Orzhov är alldeles för populärt för att man ska kunna "snubbla" in i det. Simicleken är lite hit and miss, den vill så himla gärna kurva ut perfekt, men när den inte får det så blir det pannkaka. Om man börjar spela sina evolvegubbar tidigare så blir det lätt att man hamnar i en kontrollroll och måste blocka. Jag är kluven.

    Kom ihåg mig



Av Simon Davidsson - 28 september 2020 10:10


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